The Political Thuggery Of Health Care Reform Opponents Continues
I know I said I would foreswear political commentary and get on with describing the New Zealand Health Care system after having experienced it first hand for 2 weeks, but I am increasingly incredulous as I continue to read the news from home. The sorts of political intolerance I described in my last post have apparently increased and the role of the Republican Party in tacitly approving this outrageous behavior (and even perpetrating some of it themselves) appears to be escalating. First, the latest:
- Louise Slaughter, D-NY Had a brick thrown through her district office window in upstate New York. She also received telephone threats of a future sniper attack.
- Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona. A window was smashed in her office.
- Bart Stupak, D-Michigan. Telephone death threats. (And since he pushed through anti-abortion language included in the bill’s final version, we should assume it couldn’t be the “pro life” activists, even though in the past they seem to have had no qualms about supporting the murder of doctors they disagree with).
- James Clyburn, D-South Carolina. Sent a faxed picture of a noose, a time-honored Southern symbol of racial intimidation...and more. (Clyburn is black).
And the GOP response? House minority leader John Boehner from Ohio tepidly stated that “ I know many Americans are angry over this health care bill and that Washington Democrats just aren’t listening”. Apparently, in the eyes of the GOP, this militant behavior is the Democrats’ fault. Not much of a condemnation of political violence, is it?
Or are the Republicans conniving to foment civil unrest through further manipulation of public opinion by distorting the size and impact of their fringe elements? Even the Republican National Committee have resorted to loaded imagery and veiled threats when, in a recent appeal to their supporters, they show Nancy Pelosi engulfed in flames as they urge voters to “fire” her. And of course, there’s the Republican Presidential darling Sarah Palin, who tips her hand in very revealing ways, when on her Facebook page, she singles out Democrats for defeat by showing their districts in the crosshairs of a weapon. Nice touch, Sara.
Add all this to the brain-dead obstructionism shown once again by the Republicans in Congress who could come up with nothing better than to attempt to derail the reconciliation process with a number of trivial amendments to the law-- such as banning erectile dysfunction drugs to convicted sex offenders. Now that’s creatively looking out after the vital health interests of the American people.
And finally, there is the Republican effort now underway in at least 13 states to challenge the constitutionality of the new health care legislation as an infringement of “states rights”. Clearly, the Republicans have no historical sensitivity or for that matter, sense of decency, because if they did, they would know that this phrase was the major rallying cry of the racist Jim Crow southern state governments as they doggedly enforced the systematic denial of civil rights to blacks--and then combated Federal efforts to enforce the US Constitution. It is no coincidence that this ugly phrase is once again trotted out by right wing human rights opponents--this time to try to obstruct health reform (even the compromised bill that was eventually passed). This is the sort of politically irresponsible behavior we have come to expect from the increasingly reactionary and irresponsible GOP. It is the kind of political behavior that can rip societies apart. And because of that, it is the kind of behavior that must be challenged in the courts, protested in the streets, shamed in the press and unequivocally punished at the polls.
From this distance, I’m not even sure I recognize the USA anymore. And I can confirm that to outsiders, the country looks increasingly erratic and disturbingly unbalanced. Maybe balance will be restored and maybe the vaunted American resilience will reassert itself, but it’s high time we all speak out for progress and civility and repudiate the tactics of division, fear, intolerance, and inhumanity.
Americans have become deer in the headlights of health care reform. The GOP wants nothing more than a controlled zombie public willing to follow the distructive agenda of the GOP. Sure there needs to be checks and balances, but the right winged GOP are "destructionists". Destructionists of democracy for the people. And thanks to the previous administration the Supreme court is stacked with corporation agenda driven members to the point i feel any real reform may be struck down in court!